Unlike a lot of other IQ apps that provide scores based on their pre-built-in standard, this app enables users to find their IQ score completely based on statistics from other testers.
This app includes the following 4 tests.
1. Mathematical Test (25 questions in 20 mins)
2. Pattern Test (25 questions in 20 mins)
3. Comprehension Test (28 questions in 35 mins)
4. Comprehension Test 2 (28 questions in 35 mins)
Users are also allowed to see how well other testers did on the test (Score distribution shown in a graph) as well as correction rates for each problem.
In general, IQ score is calculated in three different standard deviations which are 15, 16, and 24. This app supports them all, and users can select how their IQ scores should be shown.
Because of the nature of this app (that user score measured based on statistics from other testers), the IQ score you get is subject to change depending on how other testers do on the test. For this reason, you are recommended to go back to the result screen multiple times if you want to find out your precise score (the more people take the test, the more precise the score becomes).